Though there are still numerous restrictions around the world on air travel and live performances, we are hoping that with the help of the increased distribution of the COVID-19 vaccination the NDT Summer Intensive 2022 can take place in-person. In that case, we will have to follow certain restrictions put in place by, the Dutch government, local authorities and medical institutions. To stay safe and healthy and to minimize the risks, all the staff are asked to adhere to strict guidelines, whatever they may be at the time of the Sumer Intensive. We also kindly ask all the participants to do the same.
We urge each participant to inform themselves on the most up-to-date travel regulations, which can differ from country to country. Attaining the required documents and/or tests are the responsibility of the participant. NDT can only issue proof of registration to defend the nature and destination of the traveler.
As required for most travels at the moment we also ask for a negative Covid-test result, no older than 72 hours or proof of a complete vaccination. This test can be a PCR or rapid antigen test and should be sent by e-mail and presented upon arrival at NDT’s reception.
Because of the pandemic, the restrictions, rules, and measures imposed by the Dutch government, local authorities, and medical institutions may be a subject to change before, and during the NDT Summer Intensive. We advise when planning your trip to consider flexible tickets, travel insurance or the purchase of a ticket that allows you to reschedule and/or attain a refund. Furthermore, please examine the quarantine and Covid-19 testing rules for your country of origin and the Netherlands during the planning of your air travel, and also before departing.
*Facemasks and the practice of social distancing are required of all participants