Marise Voskens (EN)

Leave a legacy: Marise Voskens

“My first encounter with NDT was when the company was still a “toddler”, and I myself a little older and just started taking ballet lessons. There I sat in the theatre, face to face with that enormous physical expressiveness. Hit and sucked ‘into’ the stage, as it were. Every year – NDT did not perform more often in ‘my’ provincial town – there was the same fascination. Creativity, enthusiasm, body control and unbridled commitment, it all splashed. Never below par. I didn’t have the words for it then. But the experience was there.

In that respect nothing has changed all this time. The longing for artistic freedom and development from the very beginning has led to achievement after achievement and to the world-class company NDT is today. It goes on and on, and every year artistic medals are added to the list of achievements. And for my part, I am still captivated by yet another dansante trouvaille and by the expressive power of the dancers.

NDT: Sixty years old and still young at heart and body and mind. On to the 100, and beyond! We can all contribute to that. As a loyal audience, but also behind the scenes by a bequeath, leaving something behind for the future. Now, in the new social reality, this seems even more necessary than ever. I am thrilled to think that when that girl from back then is gone, NDT still grabs people by the throats with stories to be told and still touches and inspires with breathtaking performances.”

Marise Voskens is:

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University of Amsterdam
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the VPRO
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Flamenco Biënnale
  • Former judge

also want to leave a legacy?

Leaving a gift is a unique opportunity to pass on the love of dance to the next generation, and to protect the future of the company. For more information, please visit the link below. 

