Marie Bourgeois

Marie Bourgeois


Photo: Geoffrey Serguier

Marie Bourgeois is a French dancer and choreographer. She grew up on Réunion Island, in an environment where people live outside, she practised activities that connected her to the forces of nature, such as surfing and hiking, and dancing. From 2011, she studied life sciences at the University of Lyon, while pursuing her passion for dance. Two years later, she moved to Leeds to study at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance. There, she met Hagit Yakira, Joss Arnott and Kevin Turner of Company Chameleon, where she did an internship after graduation. She continued to train in new practices such as capoeira, climbing and singing.

In 2017, she joined Yoann Bourgeois’ company, where she performed several roles in productions such as “Requiem”, “Minuit”, “Ophélie” and “Hourvari”. She assists Yoann in creations, co-creating for international companies such as NDT and GöteborgsOperan Danskompani or in his collaborations with artists such as Coldplay, Harry Styles and Pomme.